At Pool Stars we recognise the achievements of our swimmers in lots of ways..
Our Reach for the Stars award scheme ensures that praise and awards is frequent and timely and focuses on effort as well as achievement. Our award scheme is free for all families.
Shooting Stars Awards
Our Shooting Stars Awards celebrates the achievements of little ones as they take take their first steps towards independence in the pool.
Explorer Awards
Our Explorer Awards recognises our swimmers progression as they become confident swimmers and refine the four principle swimming strokes.
Pool Stars Awards
Our Pool Stars Awards recognise a range of wider attitudes and qualities that we want to see in our swimmers.

Shooting Stars Awards
Shooting Star 1
- Be able to enter the water by the steps with support
- Be able to produce splash with legs either supported or sat on step
- Be able to produce the star shape on on the step
- Be able to hold onto the wall with 2 hands when not on step
- Be able to leave step with noodle under arms in correct position (with support)
- Be able to climb out of the steps (with /without support)
- To travel through the water with support
- Be able to submerge shoulders in water
Shooting Star 2
- Be able to produce a star float on back with noodle and support
- Be able to move along the wall with support
- Be able to move through the water on front with noodle and support and produce leg kick
- Be able to push off the wall using feet (with support)
- Be able to enter into the water from the side (with support)
- Be able to produce arm movements in line with songs (circle arms, side to side)
- Be able to climb out using the steps without support
- Be able to put chin on the water whilst moving
Shooting Star 3
- Be able to produce a star float on front with noodle and support
- Be able to blow bubble with chin in the water
- Be able to climb out at the wall (with support)
- Be comfortable in the water with noodle without support for short periods of time
- Be able to move on the back with support (and with noodle)
- Be able to move along the wall (without support)
- Be able to pick up an item off the step with hands
Shooting Star 4
- Be able to do a star float on back with noodle, no support
- Be able to jump from the step with a noodle (no support)
- Be able to move through the water in short bursts (with noodle, no support)
- Be able to move on the back without support for a short burst
- Be able to blow an item on the surface of the water whilst swimming
- Be able to climb out at the wall without support
- Be able to fully submerge face in the water for a short period
Shooting Star 5
- Be able to do a star float on front with noodle, no support (head up)
- Be able to jump from the side from a seated position onto a noodle
- Be able to produce recognisable arm pulls underwater (with a noodle)
- Be able to move on back without support for 2 metres
- Be able to blow bubbles with chin on the water whilst moving through the water in short bursts
- Be able to move through the water with noodle without support
- Be able to fully submerge face in the water and blow bubbles
Shooting Star 6
- Be able to perform a star float on front with noodle, no support (head down)
- Be able to swim on front using noodle and float
- Be able to to jump from the side from a standing position onto a noodle
- Be able to move on back without support for 2 metres with a leg kick
- Be able to blow bubbles with chin on water for 2 metres
- Be able to move on front for short bursts with face in the water
- Be able to move on front with arms in front demonstrating a slow and long arm pull for short bursts
Shooting Star 7
- Be able to perform a star float on back or front for 3 seconds without support.
- Be able to jump from the side and submerge
- Be able to move on front with arms in front and demonstrating a slow and long arm pull for 2 metres
- Be able to move on back without support for 3 metres with a leg kick
- Be able to move through the water with chin on the water and blowing bubbles
- Be able to move on front with face in the water for 2 metres
- Be able to list one pool safety rule
Explorer Awards
Explorer 1
- Enter pool from side with support
- Move on front 5m (using aids but not being held)
- Move on back 5m (using aids but not being held)
- Float on front and back (with support)
- Push and Glide on front and back (with support)
- Climb out of the pool safely
Explorer 2
- Enter water safely using a swivel entry
- Move on front and back using recognised leg kick for 10m (with float and limited support)
- Be able to use arms using an underwater pull on front
- Push and Glide on front and back (with an aid)
- Float on front and back for 5 seconds without support
- Be able to bob up and down to fully submerge head
Explorer 3
- Complete glide from wall using a pull Buoy on front and back
- Complete a star float on back unaided and roll to a front star float
- Demonstrate correct treading water technique with some support
- Demonstrate correct back skulling technique with some support
- Complete a pencil jump through a hoop and submerge head
- Swim 7m on front or back with a Pull buoy
Explorer 4
- Jump into pool from side to teacher and submerge head
- Push and Glide on front and back (no support or aid)
- Swim 2 metres front or back (no support or aids)
- Be able to use correct back stroke arms with support
- Tread water without support for 5 seconds
- Float on front or back without support for 10 seconds
Explorer 5
- Be able to jump into pool from side with no support and fully submerge head
- Swim 5m on front with no support or aid
- Swim 10m front crawl using arms and legs (with float)
- Swim 10m back stroke using arms and legs (with float)
- Complete an underwater Push and glide and swim under water for 2 metres
- Rotate from back to front in the water
- Tread Water for 10 seconds without support
Explorer 6
- Jump in using three different shaped jumps
- Swim 5m of front crawl using arms and legs without stopping (no support or aid)
- Swim 5m of back stroke using arms and legs without stopping (no support or aid)
- Tread water without support for 30 seconds
- Complete an underwater push and glide
- Body roll from front to back
Explorer 7
- Complete a sitting dive
- Swim 10m of front crawl using arms and legs without stopping (no support or aid)
- Swim 10m of back stroke using arms and legs without stopping (no support or aid)
- Be able to demonstrate lateral breathing in short bursts when swimming on front
- Be able to swim 5m on front with recognised breaststroke leg kick
- Be able to swim underwater through a hoop
Explorer 8
- Dive from kneeling
- Be able to swim 15m front crawl demonstrating lateral breathing without stopping (no aids)
- Swim 15m of backstroke without stopping (no aids)
- Swim 10m of breaststroke without stopping (no aids)
- Be able to surface dive and retrieve an object
Explorer 9
- Be able to swim 25m of front crawl demonstrating lateral breathing without stopping (no aids)
- Swim 25m of backstroke without stopping (no aids)
- Swim 25m of breastroke demonstrating pull-breath-kick-glide action without stopping (no aids)
- Be able to perform a roly poly in the water
Explorer 10
- Dive into the pool and retrieve an object and swim through a hoop
- Swim 35m front crawl demonstrating lateral breathing without stopping (no aids)
- Swim 35m of backstroke without stopping (no aids)
- Swim 35m breaststroke demonstrating pull-breath-kick-glide action without stopping (no aid)
- Perform a roly poly in the middle of the pool from front crawl
Explorer 11
- Complete a simulated lifesaving rescue from the pool floor
- Swim 100m front crawl demonstrating lateral breathing without stopping (no aids)
- Swim 100m of backstroke without stopping (no aids)
- Swim 50m breaststroke demonstrating pull-breath-kick-glide action without stopping (no aid)
- Complete a push and glide underwater
Pool Stars Awards
Endeavour Award
The Pool Stars Endeavour Award is issued to swimmers who work exceptionally hard to overcome a fear or a significant challenge in a lesson.
Discovery Award
The Pool Stars Discovery Award is issued to swimmers who show excellent listening skills and respond well to the teachers feedback and encouragement.
Voyager Award
The Pool Stars Voyager Award is issued to swimmers who work exceptionally hard over a sequence of lessons and make significant improvements in one of their swimming strokes.
Kindness Award
The Pool Stars Kindness Award is issued to swimmers who show exceptional kindness to other swimmers or the teacher in a lesson.